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He was one of the most noticed names in the 2014 X Factor competition. Now, Italian singer Andrea Faustini, who quit university in Rome to pursue his singing d...
X Factor finalist, the pug loving Andrea Faustini exclusively dropped by to see us on his X Factor battle bus and we had a little chat. Report by Jonesl. Like u...
Andrea Faustini est un pur produit téléréalité... cru 2014 c’est à se demander comment les chanteurs (ou plutôt une certaine catégorie de chanteurs) fa...
Visit the official site: Out of 80000 people, Andrea Faustini did himself proud by making it to the Final Three. Now sit back and relax and .\r\rAndrea Faustini...
More clip at: http://www.ahvideos.com...